

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

On Reading & Books

On Reading & Books

As a child, all I did was read. I would read books about anything and everything, and even some I probably shouldn’t have. I would go to the local library, get a pile of books, and sit on the floor of my living room and read all day. That was my life during elementary school (this of course was a time before smart phones and before I discovered the internet).

As I got older, I still managed to read. Not as much as I did before but nonetheless, I read. My fellow book lovers and writers; you can probably relate when I say that there is always a book or a story that makes something in your brain click that makes you wonder where it’s been all your life. I’ve had several moments like that, which is why it saddens me to say that I don’t read as much anymore.

I’m not sure why. My simplest explanation is that life happened. I am now an adult that has responsibilities and work to do. Most of the time, I can’t find the time to just sit and read. Even when I try to, my mind is always racing with things I should be doing instead. I am trying my best to get back into it and read little by little. It almost feels like when you ice skate for the first time in months; shaky but then, slowly gaining stability. The picture above are books I am currently working on. Some I am almost finished with, others I haven’t even started.

So where do I go from here? I’m going to read. I want to read not only for my sanity, but for my profession. The more you write, the better you get. Perhaps the same can be said for reading. Can anyone else relate to what I am feeling or have a pile of books calling your name? Let me know (on Instagram or on here). Until next time and thank you for reading :)

Lowell Cafe: Overpriced and Overhyped

Lowell Cafe: Overpriced and Overhyped

Shop Miss A Review

Shop Miss A Review