

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

Iconic Moments From My 2019

Iconic Moments From My 2019

2019 was iconic to say the least. With 2020 just around the corner, I thought it’d be a good idea to do a recap of my year. There were several moments where I was stressed or anxious (I’m sure several of ya’ll can relate). Regardless, a few of my dreams came true in 2019 and surpassed the negativity. Keep on reading to learn more about some of my amazing moments of 2019!

San Francisco

I started off 2019 with a bang! A few days after new years, my boyfriend Cain and I drove to San Francisco. I had been several times before, but this was only Cain’s second time! It rained like crazy, and honestly, we didn’t do much besides drive around the city and eat really good food. Some of my favorite places we ate include The American Grilled Cheese Kitchen and Bar Bocce . Bar Bocce is technically in Sausalito, a wealthy beach town that is a short drive away from the city. It’s charming and looks like it came out of a storybook. It was the perfect place for Cain and I to celebrate our anniversary! He took this photo of me below when I was snapping my own photos with my film camera.


Attended My Graduation Ceremony

Although I technically did not graduate college in May, I was allowed to walk in the commencement ceremony. This is a day that I will remember forever. My parents, Cain, and one my cousins were all there. I stood besides my fellow journalism classmates one last time and we had a blast cheering each other on as names were called. The day started out sunny but it actually began to pour as the ceremony was ending (V rare)! After the ceremony, my parents, my good friend Brigitte, and I, all went to have a fancy dinner. Overall, It was a wonderful and memorable day that I wish I could repeat.


New Orleans

Truthfully, this is something I never thought would happen. Going to New Orleans was a dream come true and years in the making. Cain and I went and had the time of our lives. We ate, and ate, and ate! I have an entire blog post on my trip that you can read here . The picture below is from Oak Alley Plantation, a former sugar cane plantation.


Launched The Leslie Life

Another dream I had for a long time was to make my own blog where I could share things like my travels, tips, and in general, my life. Perhaps it sounds narcissistic, but I was tired of seeing bloggers write about their unattainable lives. I have a very average life, most people do, which means you can probably do the same things I do! That is the whole point of The Leslie Life. It took some time, and some help (shoutout to Cain for helping me design the site and my friend Adam for taking pictures, including the one below), but I fully dedicated myself to writing and coming up with ideas for my blog this past summer. I hope to continue writing into 2020 as well!


Santa Cruz

Ah yes, I am going to write about this because it was in fact an iconic moment of 2019. My trip to Santa Cruz did not go as planned (you can read more about that here). However, Santa Cruz itself is a beautiful city and if you couldn’t tell by the smile on my face in the photo below, it has some great food! You can check out all the food I ate in Santa Cruz here.


Killed My Final Semester At CSULB

My last semester at CSULB was amazing! I had sooo much fun. I took a tap class (random I know) and wrote for DIG MAG. Writing for DIG MAG was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life. I worked with some amazing people, and had some cool experiences. I truly hope I am able to continue to write for some sort of publication in the future. Below is a story I worked on during the summer that was featured in the fall print issue of DIG MAG.

San Pedro.jpg

Graduated CSULB

You know what they say, all good things must come to an end. That’s exactly how I felt when I walked out of my last final. As I’ve said before, I don’t know what comes next, which is pretty scary, but I hope it’s nothing but positivity and success. My mom almost teared up when she saw my graduation cap. It brings me nothing but happiness knowing I accomplished this not only for myself, but for my parents as well.


Tomorrow is the last day of 2019 and with that, I hope to wish you all a happy new years and a thank you as always, for reading my posts I will share with you whatever ends up happening in 2020. Love to you all and see you next year for a new post on The Leslie Life!

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