

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

Answering My Readers Questions

Answering My Readers Questions

Why, hello there!

This past week has been especially busy for me and I was racking my brain on what to write about for this week’s post. I then got the idea to have people submit questions on Instagram for me to answer here.

There are only a few questions but they are all very well thought out. I want to thank those who took the time to answer my plead on Instagram. You know who you are and you guys are awesome!

Read below to see what I have to say!

Q: What has been the biggest change for you since graduating (college)?

A: Since graduating in December 2019, my life has been incredibly different. Up until then, my life revolved around my studies and being with friends. Within a month, I was working a new job, my boyfriend moved out of the state, and I was dealing with a family member having health issues. Everything before January of this year was so simple without me even realizing it. I don’t want to drag this answer out too much but I will say that all of these factors and with COVID added, my lifestyle has completely changed. Now, I work full time five days a week from home. Seeing friends during a pandemic has been a challenge as well. But, I take it day by day. I don’t see these changes negatively; I see them as the next phase in my life to lead me to where I need to be.

Q: What is the coolest thing to come from your blog?

A: When I first started The Leslie Life, I wasn’t sure if people were going to click on my posts. Now, people tell me they enjoy reading my blog and that’s everything to me. No, it’s not a lot, but even if it’s a few readers, that makes me incredibly happy. I have touched on this before, but one of the coolest things to me is that I have a virtual scrapbook of some sort. I can look back and see what I was doing at a different time. With everything being so unpredictable, I cherish the memories and experiences I have written about. On another note, I got my first spray tan in return for my first paid review on my blog which I was very excited for at the time!

Q: What gets you out of bed every morning?

A: One word; gratitude. This year has been trash for every single one of us but I always remember that some have it so much worst. Both of my parents are healthy, they have jobs, and I have a job. Many people don’t. And as I said above, even when things are rough or I have a bad day, I see it as experiences I need to go through to get me exactly where I need to be. Life is incredibly short and we never know when it’s our time to go. I cherish every morning that I get to wake up safely in my bed with food in my kitchen. Every day is a new day and even if it didn’t go as planned, tomorrow will (hopefully) be better.

I want to thank those again who submitted questions. I really appreciate it and I enjoyed answering them! I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will see you next time with another post on The Leslie Life. Bye for now!


-Leslie V

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