

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

Why I started a Blog

Why I started a Blog

It’s been nearly three months since I launched my blog! I wanted to give a little insight on why I started it in the first place. Throughout my college journey, I often questioned if I had chosen the right major. I’ve always loved writing, but I also have other passions (such as photography/film). I always reminded myself that Journalism is versatile enough to where I could possibly incorporate those other passions with Journalism and so, I never changed it.

One of the reasons I always questioned my chosen major was because I often didn’t like the topics I was given to write about. I could write a story about anything (I've written some stories on city council meetings and dating apps), but those are things that didn’t really peak my interest. I thought perhaps I was doomed to a life of writing about things that don’t necessarily capture my attention. Perhaps this was a foolish notion, but college really hammers down on writing about serious news topics. And why not? Journalists are here to inform the public and to discover the truth.

Being a journalist can definitely be a heavy thing; sometimes you have to deal with events and crisis's that show the ugly side of the world. It’s a side that is so often seen now due to the power of social media. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to bring joy to people and for them to forget about the darkness and horrible things happening every day.

This is how the thought of starting a blog came to mind. If I have my own platform, I could write about things that others might find fun and interesting. I also live in Los Angeles and I do a lot of things out and about around the city that I could write about. Overall, I was just really excited about the thought of doing it. The only problem was that I was having an insanely busy semester. When you start a blog, you have to find what platform you want to use and then design it, then write your posts. It’s not difficult, but it’s definitely time consuming and not something you want to BS. I decided to wait until summer. I would be done with school for the semester and I found a remote internship where I would be able to write about pop culture (something I love).

Long story short, that remote internship did not pan out. With limited options for other internships, I decided to fully dedicate myself to my blog. I took photos, I played around with Photoshop, I made a list of topics and places I would write about and here I am, a few months later, still doing it even with a full class schedule. I love sharing things I do or use with everybody. Even if no one reads it, it makes me happy knowing I’ve taken the time to write it, take a photo, and post it. It’s not always easy and I am not always in the mood to do it, but I feel fully dedicated to my craft.

I hope my blog spreads joy to others as it does to me. I hope I continue to write and that I have several opportunities in my lifetime to write about things that make me happy. As basic and cliche as that sounds, it is my dream and I share it with ya’ll every time I write and publish a post. I hope this inspires someone to do something they love or to even start their own blog.

That’s it for todays post! Until next time, I’ll catch you at the next blog post.

Shop Miss A Review

Shop Miss A Review

Lizzy & the Triggerman; A Review

Lizzy & the Triggerman; A Review