

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

One Year of The Leslie Life

One Year of The Leslie Life

Hello and welcome back to another post on The Leslie Life! Today is especially significant because it marks one year since I launched The Leslie Life and wow, has it been a journey! I’m taking today’s post to reflect what it’s been like to have a blog for the past year.

I started The Leslie Life to have a creative outlet and to post about things I don’t always readily see online (things like realistic affordable beauty & lifestyle hauls etc.), and I am happy to say that it has brought me immense joy.

It also has become some sort of time capsule for me. This summer is incredibly different in every way from last summer, and it’s crazy to look back at posts I wrote last year and compare them to this year.

That being said, as I grow and experience new life changes, The Leslie Life has been a tool for me to document it all. From traveling to graduating from college, and being quarantined, It’s all here.

When I began to formulate the idea of The Leslie Life, it sounded impossible. I was a full-time college student making 0 income and to be honest, I didn’t think anyone would want to read anything I had to say. With the push of some very loving and dedicated friends, I put myself to it and worked hard to design the site, take photos, and brainstorm blog post ideas.

Since its inception, I’ve written a post every week. Sometimes barely anyone reads, or sometimes, I’ve been incredibly overwhelmed by school or life. Regardless, I’ve tried to consistently post and not let anything convince me otherwise.

If you want to start a blog, website, YouTube channel, whatever it may be, it takes dedication and discipline, but nothing beats like seeing your hard work come to fruition.

I want to thank all of those who have read or clicked on a post on The Leslie Life. I don’t make money off my site; I simply love sharing my life and experiences with the world and hope that it continues to grow.

There is so much I have yet to see or do and I want to share it all on The Leslie Life. I hope you guys continue to join me on this journey as I navigate life in my early 20’s.

Every time I see a comment or have someone in person tell me that they read my blog, it means the world to me. I can’t imagine not sitting down once a week and writing about something that I want to share with you all.

I don’t want to keep this post too long so I will wrap it up here. But, before I do, I want to list a few of my favorite posts and experiences so far. Take a look and make sure to check back for next week’s post. Sending you all lots of love and hope everyone continues to stay safe out there.


-Leslie V

A few of my favorite posts from this past year (in no particular order)

Exploring Beautiful Dana Point

Exploring Beautiful Dana Point

Enjoy the Little Things in Life

Enjoy the Little Things in Life