

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

Black Lives Matter: A Message of Solidarity

Black Lives Matter: A Message of Solidarity

2021 UPDATE: Someone who read this post recently emailed me an article with links to various Black-owned businesses that I wanted to share. Click here to see the article. Thank you to Emma Ewing for sharing the link with me.

Originally published on 6/1/20:

America is on fire and that is why I am writing this message today. Originally, I had another post planned. But with everything going on, it seemed insensitive, even uncouth of me to not speak out.

You see, I am not a celebrity, not an even influencer, but regardless, I have a platform and a voice-two things that some are not as fortunate to have. Or even if they do, they don’t use it, which is inevitably part of the problem.

It is halfway through 2020 and racism is still alive and well in America. We’ve known this and some have chosen to look away, but we can’t any longer. How many more black men and women have to die for there to be a change in the status quo?

Black Lives Matter and George Floyd should not have been murdered. The video of his final moments as he screams for his mother and that he can’t breathe shatter my soul. This shouldn’t have happened and it shouldn’t continue to happen.

To all the protestors: please know that I am with you. Whether black, brown, or white, this all of our fight. It is our responsibility to change the world for our children, grandchildren, and beyond. We owe them a future where white supremacy doesn’t reign, a future where black people can walk the streets without fear for themselves and for their loved ones.

Things have to change and if they weren’t listening before, they are now. Besides protesting, please please remember to vote in November. If you are white, please use your privilege to stand for those who aren’t. My fellow POC, educate other POC (yes, including your parents).

I know not all of us can physically protest and that is okay, however, you still have the power to do something, and here’s how:

Donate to bail funds and legal aid:

  • This link will lead you to a google doc with bail funds for several cities. Donate whatever you can-anything can make a difference!

    Sign petitions, text & call:

  • this is a great resource and has several links to petitions and phone numbers.

Continue to share & post:

  • Please continue to share resources, videos/photos of everything that is happening. HOWEVER, please do not share them if they show faces or anything that is identifiable.

If you are going out and protesting:

  • PLEASE be safe. Bring goggles, masks, gloves, water, and even snacks. Make sure to check out this link for more information on how to stay safe.


  • I already said this but I will say it again: Black Lives Matter.

    I am sorry if this message is not eloquently written or seems to be just a barrage of thoughts, but I hope you take the resources listed above and do something. Please continue to be safe and to speak out on the injustices the American government does to its own people. We are all in this together and I am sending everyone much love during these times. I will see you all next week.


    -Leslie V

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