

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

24 Things I Love

24 Things I Love

Hello and welcome back to The Leslie Life! In honor of my upcoming 24th birthday, I am going to list 24 things I love.

If you haven’t already, make sure to check out my message of solidarity and my previous post about visiting the Descanso Gardens. Now, here are some things I love!

  1. Driving around in my beat-up Nissan Altima

  2. Peony scented candles

  3. Mcdonald’s (Yeah, I know)

  4. The beach

  5. New Orleans

  6. English Breakfast Tea

  7. Taking long walks

  8. Fuzzy socks

  9. Antique shopping

  10. Flowers (any kind!)

  11. Listening to spooky stories & podcasts

  12. Salt & vinegar chips

  13. Going to new cities & states

  14. Pigs

  15. Taking long hot showers

  16. Exploring abandoned places

  17. Red hair (it’s just so rare & beautiful)

  18. Summertime

  19. Planning adventures

  20. Making breakfast

  21. Strawberry gelato

  22. My mom’s cooking

  23. Butterflies

  24. My friends and family; they are everything to me!

There you guys have it, 24 things I love! Is there anything on this list that surprised you? Make sure to check out last year’s post about my 23rd birthday for even more facts about me.

I will see you guys next week with another new post and this time, I’ll be a year older! Sending you all much love and positivity.

P.S. outfit details for the simple yet cute outfit I am wearing are listed below!


-Leslie V

My Birthday in Santa Barbara

My Birthday in Santa Barbara

Social Distancing at the Descanso Gardens

Social Distancing at the Descanso Gardens