

The Leslie Life is a blog dedicated to living in Los Angeles and travel. Enjoy!

Los Angeles vs. The Pacific Northwest

Los Angeles vs. The Pacific Northwest

Hey all!

This summer has been hectic and as a result, I have not been able to write much. I’m trying my best to at least post sporadically so bare with me.

A few weeks ago, I spent some time in Portland, Oregon. In April, I visited my friend Adam in Seattle, Washington. That being said, I now have a pretty good understanding of the culture in PNW compared to living in Los Angeles.

Here’s what I’ve Learned so far:

  • Expect a slower-paced lifestyle in the PNW

People in Los Angeles, and overall in the U.S., are always on the go. I think this behavior does more damage than good as it inhibits us from savoring important moments. In Portland, I noticed that the lifestyle was less anxiety-inducing. People take their time going places and are more focused on themselves than on work. I would say Seattle is a happy medium unless you have a job in tech!

  • Coffee & tea are a big deal

Everyone in LA runs on Starbies. I would say it’s harder to find a locally-owned coffee shop or smaller business. Don’t get me wrong; they do exist but not as readily. This also depends on where you live in LA. If you’re located in a trendier neighborhood, you can expect more coffee shops.

In the PNW, a coffee shop is on each and every block no matter where you live. Coffee and tea culture is important and is part of the lifestyle in both Seattle and Portland. Every time I visit, I look forward to having a latte or tea. I’ve gone to various coffee shops and can tell you that I’ve never been disappointed!

If you’re in Portland, I recommend Stumptown coffee, Coava, and Crema Cafe. Just like LA, Seattle runs on Starbucks (Starbucks was founded in Seattle). Even so, there are local coffee shops on every corner of the city.

  • It’s perfect for bibliophiles

If you love books, coffee, the rain, and cloudy weather, the PNW is for you! In LA, there’s only a handful of local bookstores. In the PNW (this goes for both Seattle and Portland) bookstores are a dime a dozen. You can’t walk on one street without seeing a book store. As a writer and bibliophile, this makes my heart swoon!

  • Nature is everywhere

The closest thing we have to a forest in LA is Griffith Park. In the PNW, the forest is in your backyard. This is partly what attracts so much to this region. The greenery and peacefulness make me feel alive. If you venture outside of the city, you’ll find rivers, waterfalls, and more.

  • It’s weird

This is for Portland specifically! This city feels like being transported into a different world. The best way I can describe is this way; LA is too fake and Portland is too real. Nonetheless, I can say that it feels good and comforting at the same time.

Thanks for reading and check out my TikTok below to see a glimpse of the forest in Oregon!

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

Six Days in Portland, Oregon

Six Days in Portland, Oregon